RAC Home insurance

RAC, based in West Perth, is the most trusted and recommended provider of home insurance in Western Australia. The company provides award winning buildings, contents and combined home insurance services.
What does RAC home and contents insurance cover?
The insured events which RAC insurance policies cover:
Storm, Flood, Fire, Lightning
Earthquake, Explosion
Theft or attempted theft
Bursting, leaking, discharge or overflow of water or liquid from a fixed apparatus
Malicious damage
Animal damage
Riot, civil commotion, industrial unrest
Impact of or by Falling tree, or tree branch, Aircraft, Vehicles, Waterborne craft,
Space debris, Debris from an aircraft, rocket or satellite, An aerial
RAC address:
832 Wellington Street
West Perth
Western Australia 6005
Website: www.rac.com.au
Phone number
Insurance claims: 13 17 03
Monday - Friday, 7 am - 8:30 pm
Saturday, Sunday, 8:30 am - 5 pm