Teachers Mutual Bank

Teachers Mutual Bank Ltd (previously known as Teachers Credit Union) is the leading Australian financial organisation for teachers and their families. Based in New South Wales, it is one of the biggest customer-owned banks in Australia with over 220,000 members and 600 employees. TM Bank provides a wide suite of high-quality products and services including transaction and savings accounts, term deposits, pension advantage accounts, mortgages, car buying service, personal and auto loans, Visa debit and credit cards, and financial planning. It also offers home, car and life insurance, foreign exchange, international money transfers, and mobile and internet banking. Founded in 1966, it was formerly known as NSW Teachers Credit Union and was rebranded as Teachers Mutual Bank on April 1, 2012. Today, TMBL has more than $10.7 billion in total assets.
Credit Ratings:
Moody's: Baa1
Standard & Poor's: BBB
Ratings as of March 2024
Health Professionals Bank
Firefighters Mutual Bank
Hiver Bank
Head office address:
28-38 Powell Street
Homebush NSW 2140
Phone number: 13 12 21
BSB number: 812-170
ABN: 30 087 650 459
Branches are open from 9 am to 5 pm, weekdays
Website: www.tmbank.com.au